What Are the 21 Spiritual Gifts: Understanding!
The 21 spiritual gifts are unique abilities given by the Holy Spirit to believers in Christ for the purpose of edifying the church and serving God’s kingdom.
Spiritual gifts are special capacities and skills granted by the Holy Spirit to believers to strengthen their faith and help them serve their community and promote the growth of the church.
These gifts enable believers to effectively share the gospel, build up the church, and fulfill their God-given purpose in serving others and glorifying God.

21 Type Spiritual Gifts with Description:
No. | Spiritual Gift | Description |
1. | Prophecy | The ability to receive and communicate divine revelations from God to others. |
2. | Teaching | The ability to understand and effectively communicate biblical truth and wisdom to others. |
3. | Wisdom | The ability to apply spiritual insight and understanding to practical situations. |
4. | Knowledge | The ability to comprehend and grasp deep spiritual truths and principles. |
5. | Discernment | The ability to distinguish truth from falsehood and recognize the spiritual forces at work in situations. |
6. | Exhortation | The ability to encourage, motivate, and inspire others in their spiritual growth. |
7. | Shepherding | The ability to care for, protect, and guide God’s people as a loving shepherd. |
8. | Faith | The ability to trust God and inspire others to do so, even in difficult circumstances. |
9. | Evangelism | The ability to effectively share the gospel and lead others to Christ. |
10. | Apostleship | The ability to establish and oversee new churches, ministries, or missions. |
11. | Service | The ability to recognize and meet the practical needs of others with joy and humility. |
12. | Helps | The ability to support and contribute to the effectiveness of others in ministry. |
13. | Administration | The ability to organize, manage, and lead others in pursuing the goals of a ministry or church. |
14. | Giving | The ability to generously contribute financial and material resources for God’s work. |
15. | Hospitality | The ability to warmly welcome and care for others, creating an atmosphere of love and acceptance. |
16. | Intercession | The ability to consistently and effectively pray for others and their needs. |
17. | Mercy | The ability to empathize with others in their suffering and provide comfort and support. |
18. | Miracles | The ability to perform supernatural acts that testify to God’s power and presence. |
19. | Healing | The ability to bring physical, emotional, or spiritual healing to others through prayer or other means. |
20. | Tongues | The ability to speak in unknown languages as a sign of God’s presence and power. |
21. | Interpretation of Tongues | The ability to understand and interpret the messages spoken in tongues for the edification of the church. |
Key Takeaway

Four Facts About: 21 Spiritual Gifts
What Are the Benefits of the 21 Spiritual Gifts?
The 21 spiritual gifts are unique abilities bestowed upon individuals by the Holy Spirit to serve and empower them in their spiritual journey and to benefit the broader community.
These gifts enable believers to effectively fulfill their purpose, edify fellow believers, and contribute to the growth and development of the church.
By embracing and developing these gifts, a person can experience personal growth, a deeper connection with their faith, and a more profound understanding of their purpose.
Some of the benefits of the 21 spiritual gifts include:
- Personal fulfillment and a sense of purpose
- Strengthening of faith and spiritual growth
- Empowerment to serve others selflessly
- Increased unity and collaboration within the church community
- Enhanced ability to overcome personal challenges and setbacks
- Cultivation of empathy and compassion toward others
- Greater understanding of the divine plan and one’s part in it
By acknowledging and cultivating these spiritual gifts, individuals can experience a more fulfilling, purpose-driven life that positively impacts their personal well-being and the lives of those around them.
“Spiritual gifts are not about us; they are about God. They are about how He wants to use us to bless others.”
– Charles Stanley
How Can I Identify and Develop My Spiritual Gifts?
To identify and develop your spiritual gifts, start by self-assessing your natural abilities, passions, and character traits. Reflect on which of the 21 spiritual gifts resonate with your personality and bring a sense of fulfillment.
Seek feedback from friends, family, or spiritual mentors to gain an outside perspective. Once you have identified your gifts, focus on enhancing them through study, practice, and guidance from experienced individuals.
- Reflect on your strengths, passions, and character traits
- Consult with friends, family, or spiritual mentors
- Learn more about the spiritual gifts you possess
- Apply your gifts in daily life
- Seek support and wisdom from experienced individuals
Remember, identifying and developing your spiritual gifts is an ongoing process. Continuously nurture your gifts through self-discovery, mentorship, and application to enrich your spiritual journey.
What Are the Types of Spiritual Gifts & Their Meanings?
Spiritual gifts are special abilities given by the Holy Spirit to believers to serve and edify the church community.
These 21 gifts mentioned in the New Testament are diverse and unique, intended to help believers grow in their faith and strengthen their relationships with God and others.
They are divided into three major categories: motivational, ministry, and manifestation gifts.
Motivational gifts include prophecy, serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leadership, and mercy.
Ministry gifts consist of apostleship, evangelism, pastoral care, teaching, administration, and helps.
Manifestation gifts are wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, discerning spirits, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues.
Each gift has a specific meaning and purpose, such as prophecy for edification, teaching for instruction, or healing for physical restoration, and they all work together for the benefit and growth of the church.
It is essential for believers to acknowledge and develop these gifts to fulfill their roles in God’s plan effectively.
What Are the Characteristics of the 21 Spiritual Gifts?
The 21 spiritual gifts are unique abilities bestowed upon individuals by the Holy Spirit to serve and edify the body of Christ. These gifts enable believers to fulfill their roles within the church and effectively minister to others.
The characteristics of the 21 spiritual gifts are as follows:
- Wisdom
- Knowledge
- Faith
- Healing
- Miracles
- Prophecy
- Discerning of spirits
- Tongues
- Interpretation of tongues
- Apostleship
- Teaching
- Helps
- Administration
- Leadership
- Exhortation
- Evangelism
- Pastoring
- Mercy
- Giving
- Hospitality
- Intercession
Each gift is characterized by its unique purpose and function, which contribute to the overall health of the Christian community.
These spiritual gifts are not meant for personal gain, but rather to serve others and glorify God.
How to Use Spiritual Gifts to Serve the Church and Community?
Spiritual gifts hold immense potential to serve the church and community, enriching the lives of others and strengthening bonds of unity.
To effectively use these gifts, one should first discern their spiritual talents through introspection and consultation with spiritual leaders. With the understanding of one’s unique aptitudes, allocate time to develop and refine these gifts.
Moreover, actively participate in church activities, support community initiatives, and engage in volunteering or outreach programs, which provide opportunities to put these spiritual gifts into practice.
- Reflect and discern your spiritual gifts
- Consult with spiritual mentors
- Develop and hone your talents
- Participate in church activities
- Support community initiatives
- Engage in volunteering and outreach programs
- Continuously seek to serve others through your spiritual gifts
Can you provide a detailed explanation of the 21 spiritual gifts mentioned in your article?
Spiritual gifts explanation New Testament mentions various spiritual gifts, though not limited to a list of 21. These gifts are divine empowerments given for service in the church.
Here’s a brief overview:
- Wisdom
- Knowledge
- Faith
- Healing
- Miraculous Powers
- Prophecy
- Distinguishing between Spirits
- Speaking in Tongues
- Interpretation of Tongues
- Apostleship
- Teaching
- Helping
- Administration
- Evangelism
- Pastoring
- Encouragement
- Giving
- Leadership
- Mercy
- Hospitality
- Celibacy
“Spiritual gifts are not for personal fame or gain but are intended for the common good of the church, to build it up and extend its mission.”
Each gift plays a unique role in the church’s life, contributing to its growth, unity, and effectiveness in fulfilling its mission.
In conclusion, the 21 spiritual gifts mentioned in the Bible are considered as divine abilities bestowed upon individuals to serve the church and the community.
Each gift has its unique meaning and characteristics that can be identified and developed through prayer and experience. By using these gifts, individuals can gain an array of benefits, including personal fulfillment and a deeper connection with God.
It is essential to understand and embrace these gifts to unleash their full potential and serve as a valuable asset to the community.
By serving others through these gifts, one can fulfill their purpose and live a more meaningful life. So, let us identify and develop our spiritual gifts to make a positive impact on the world.
- The 21 spiritual gifts are divine abilities given to individuals to serve others.
- These gifts have unique meanings and characteristics and can be identified and developed through prayer and experience.
- Using these gifts can lead to personal fulfillment and a deeper connection with God.
According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 49% of Americans believe in at least one paranormal phenomenon, such as spiritual healing or the ability to communicate with the dead. This highlights the growing interest in spirituality and the importance of understanding the spiritual gifts that are available to us.
FAQ for 21 Spiritual Gifts
What are the 21 spiritual gifts?
The 21 spiritual gifts are wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, apostleship, teaching, exhortation, giving, leading, mercies, helps, administration, hospitality, celibacy, and the gift of being able to discern between good and evil.
Are all 21 spiritual gifts available to everyone?
No, not all 21 spiritual gifts are available to everyone. Each person has a unique combination of spiritual gifts that they are able to access, depending on the spiritual development they have achieved.
How do I know what my spiritual gifts are?
The best way to discover your spiritual gifts is to spend time in prayer and meditation, exploring your relationship with God and asking for guidance. You can also talk to people in your church or spiritual community and seek out their insight and guidance.
What are the major spiritual gifts?
Spiritual gifts are blessings given to individuals by God to serve His people.
Here are the major spiritual gifts mentioned in the Bible:
- Wisdom
- Knowledge
- Faith
- Healing
- Miracles
- Prophecy
- Discernment of Spirits
- Tongues
- Interpretation of Tongues
Each gift is unique and essential in the building up of the church. Additionally, some people receive multiple gifts, while others may only possess one.
It is important to recognize our spiritual gifts and use them to edify and encourage others in the body of Christ.
How do I know my spiritual gift?
To know your spiritual gift, there are some key steps that you can take to help identify it:
- Start by studying the different spiritual gifts mentioned in the Bible to gain an understanding of what they are.
- Spend time in prayer and seek God’s guidance for discernment.
- Reflect on your natural abilities and talents to see how they can be used to serve others.
- Pay attention to how others have affirmed the work you do in service to others.
- Experiment with different ways of serving to see where you are most effective.
Remember that discovering your spiritual gift should not be a one-time event but instead, a continuous process of growth and development.
It is also important to use your gift in service to others and for the glory of God.
What are the 5 spiritual gifts?
Spiritual gifts are special abilities given by God to help individuals accomplish their intended purpose. They can be used to edify and encourage a person or group. These gifts are bestowed uniquely, allowing each person to contribute to the greater good in a way that aligns with their divine calling. Understanding spiritual gifts and their use is essential for fostering unity and growth within communities, as each gift complements and supports the others. When exercised in love and humility, these gifts can inspire transformation and bring hope to those in need.
Here are the 5 most commonly recognized spiritual gifts:
- Wisdom
- Knowledge
- Faith
- Healing
- Prophecy
It’s important to embrace the gifts and use them to bring about positive change in ourselves and others.
How many spiritual gifts can one person have?
According to the Bible, there is no limit to the number of spiritual gifts a person can have.
Here are some essential things to know:
- The Holy Spirit gives different gifts to different people as He wills (1 Corinthians 12:11).
- Every believer has at least one gift (1 Corinthians 12:7).
- No gift is better or more important than the other (1 Corinthians 12:12-31).
- It’s possible for a person to have multiple gifts (1 Corinthians 12:28-30).
- The primary purpose of spiritual gifts is to serve others and edify the church (1 Peter 4:10).
It’s essential to use your gifts for God’s glory, not to boast or elevate yourself (1 Corinthians 4:7).
How do I find my God given gift?
If you’re looking to find out what your God given gift is, here are some steps to consider:
- Pray and ask God to reveal your gift to you
- Examine your passions and interests
- Reflect on feedback from others about your strengths
- Consider the needs of your community and how you can meet them with your gift
- Experiment with different activities to see what comes naturally to you
Remember that your God given gift is unique to you and may not always be obvious. Be patient and stay open to signs and opportunities that come your way. Trust in God’s plan for your life and use your gift to serve others and glorify Him.
Why spiritual gifts are important?
Spiritual gifts can be defined as special abilities given to believers by the Holy Spirit to help them minister to others and build up the body of Christ.
Here are some reasons why spiritual gifts are important:
- They are evidence of God’s grace and power working in and through believers.
- They help believers to serve others and share the love of Christ in practical ways.
- They build up the church and help believers to fulfill their roles in the body of Christ.
- They bring glory to God as they are used for His purposes and His kingdom.
As believers, we should seek to discover and develop our spiritual gifts so that we can use them to serve others and advance the kingdom of God.
God has given each of us a unique set of gifts, and as we use them in faith and obedience, we will see the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the lives of those we minister to.
Who can receive spiritual gifts?
In short, they are available to all believers who have been baptized by the Holy Spirit. The Bible mentions that the Holy Spirit distributes these gifts according to His will.
However, it’s important to note that possessing these gifts should not be a measure of spiritual maturity or superiority.
Every believer has the responsibility to use their spiritual gifts for His glory and the edification of the church. Therefore, if you are a believer who has been baptized by the Holy Spirit, you are eligible to receive these spiritual gifts.
What’s the difference between spiritual gifts and talents?
Spiritual gifts and talents are often confused with one another, but they are not the same thing.
Here are some key differences:
- Spiritual gifts are given by God to believers to serve others and build up the church.
- Talents are natural abilities that can be used for personal gain or to benefit others.
- Spiritual gifts are given for the common good of the church, while talents can be used for personal success or to benefit society at large.
- Spiritual gifts are empowered by the Holy Spirit, while talents are not necessarily connected to one’s faith.
Understanding the differences between spiritual gifts and talents can help individuals discern how they can best use their abilities to serve others and glorify God.
What are the major spiritual gifts?
Spiritual gifts are blessings given to individuals by God to serve His people.
Here are the major spiritual gifts mentioned in the Bible:
- Wisdom
- Knowledge
- Faith
- Healing
- Miracles
- Prophecy
- Discernment of Spirits
- Tongues
- Interpretation of Tongues
Each gift is unique and essential in the building up of the church. Additionally, some people receive multiple gifts, while others may only possess one. It is important to recognize our spiritual gifts and use them to edify and encourage others in the body of Christ.
How do I know my spiritual gift?
To know your spiritual gift, there are some key steps that you can take to help identify it:
- Start by studying the different spiritual gifts mentioned in the Bible to gain an understanding of what they are.
- Spend time in prayer and seek God’s guidance for discernment.
- Reflect on your natural abilities and talents to see how they can be used to serve others.
- Pay attention to how others have affirmed the work you do in service to others.
- Experiment with different ways of serving to see where you are most effective.
Remember that discovering your spiritual gift should not be a one-time event but instead, a continuous process of growth and development. It is also important to use your gift in service to others and for the glory of God.
How do I find my God given gift?
If you’re looking to find out what your God given gift is, here are some steps to consider:
- Pray and ask God to reveal your gift to you
- Examine your passions and interests
- Reflect on feedback from others about your strengths
- Consider the needs of your community and how you can meet them with your gift
- Experiment with different activities to see what comes naturally to you
Remember that your God given gift is unique to you and may not always be obvious. Be patient and stay open to signs and opportunities that come your way. Trust in God’s plan for your life and use your gift to serve others and glorify Him.
Why spiritual gifts are important?
Spiritual gifts can be defined as special abilities given to believers by the Holy Spirit to help them minister to others and build up the body of Christ.
Here are some reasons why spiritual gifts are important:
- They are evidence of God’s grace and power working in and through believers.
- They help believers to serve others and share the love of Christ in practical ways.
- They build up the church and help believers to fulfill their roles in the body of Christ.
- They bring glory to God as they are used for His purposes and His kingdom.
As believers, we should seek to discover and develop our spiritual gifts so that we can use them to serve others and advance the kingdom of God.
God has given each of us a unique set of gifts, and as we use them in faith and obedience, we will see the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the lives of those we minister to.
What’s the difference between spiritual gifts and talents?
Spiritual gifts and talents are often confused with one another, but they are not the same thing.
Here are some key differences:
- Spiritual gifts are given by God to believers to serve others and build up the church.
- Talents are natural abilities that can be used for personal gain or to benefit others.
- Spiritual gifts are given for the common good of the church, while talents can be used for personal success or to benefit society at large.
- Spiritual gifts are empowered by the Holy Spirit, while talents are not necessarily connected to one’s faith.
Understanding the differences between spiritual gifts and talents can help individuals discern how they can best use their abilities to serve others and glorify God.