What Are the 16 Spiritual Gifts?
The 16 spiritual gifts are specific abilities given to individuals by the Holy Spirit to serve and edify the Church.
Spiritual gifts are unique talents, skills, and abilities granted by the Holy Spirit to each believer to help fulfill the mission of the Church and strengthen the community of believers.
When believers identify and develop their gifts, they can effectively contribute to the spiritual growth of the Church and its members, creating a strong, unified community of believers.

16 Spiritual Gifts With Description:
No. | Spiritual Gift | Description |
1. | Wisdom | The ability to apply knowledge and experience to make sound decisions and judgments. |
2. | Understanding | The ability to comprehend the deeper meaning and significance of various concepts and situations. |
3. | Counsel | The ability to provide guidance, advice, and direction to others in their spiritual journey. |
4. | Fortitude | The ability to remain strong and steadfast in one’s faith during times of adversity and challenge. |
5. | Knowledge | The ability to acquire, remember, and use information about one’s faith and spiritual matters. |
6. | Piety | The ability to demonstrate reverence and devotion to God and the teachings of one’s faith. |
7. | Fear of the Lord | The ability to recognize the greatness of God and approach Him with awe, respect, and humility. |
8. | Healing | The ability to bring physical, emotional, or spiritual healing to others through prayer or spiritual intervention. |
9. | Prophecy | The ability to receive and communicate divine messages or insights, often related to future events or the spiritual needs of others. |
10. | Discernment of spirits | The ability to recognize and identify the presence of spiritual forces, both good and evil. |
11. | Speaking in tongues | The ability to speak in languages not previously known to the speaker, often as a form of spiritual communication or prayer. |
12. | Interpretation of tongues | The ability to understand and translate messages spoken in tongues by others. |
13. | Miracles | The ability to perform extraordinary acts or manifestations of divine power, often as a means of confirming or strengthening faith. |
14. | Faith | The ability to trust in God and believe in His promises, even when circumstances may seem contrary to those promises. |
15. | Teaching | The ability to effectively communicate and share spiritual truths, principles, and experiences with others. |
16. | Service | The ability to selflessly assist, support, and care for others in their spiritual journey and practical needs. |
Key Takeaway

Five Facts About: 16 Spiritual Gifts
What Are the Different Types of Spiritual Gifts?
Spiritual gifts are abilities bestowed by a higher power to assist individuals in serving others and fulfilling their life’s purpose.
These endowments often correspond to one’s unique talents, interests, and passions. There are 16 commonly recognized spiritual gifts, which can be broken down into various categories.
These enable individuals to make meaningful contributions to their communities and help others on their spiritual journey.
Categories of Spiritual Gifts:
- Prophecy
- Teaching
- Exhortation
- Giving
- Leadership
- Mercy
- Service
- Wisdom
- Knowledge
- Faith
- Healing
- Miracles
- Discernment
- Speaking in tongues
- Interpretation of tongues
- Apostleship
Developing a deeper understanding of these gifts can assist individuals in recognizing their own strengths and finding ways to utilize them for the greater good.
Each gift plays a role in uplifting and empowering others, fostering spiritual growth, and ultimately, contributing to a more harmonious world.
“Spiritual gifts are divine endowments that empower us to fulfill God’s purpose in our lives and make a positive impact on the world.”
– Dr. Charles Stanley
What Are the Benefits of Understanding the 16 Spiritual Gifts?
Understanding the 16 spiritual gifts is essential for personal growth and development, as well as fostering harmonious relationships in our personal, professional, and spiritual life.
These gifts, also called spiritual intelligences, are unique characteristics that form the core of our spiritual being.
Recognizing and embracing these gifts allows individuals to tap into their innate potential, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life.
- Improved self-awareness: Knowing your spiritual gifts helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses, leading to personal growth.
- Enhanced relationships: Understanding others’ spiritual gifts fosters empathy and compassion in interpersonal connections.
- Purpose-driven life: Identifying your spiritual gifts allows you to align your life’s purpose with your innate talents.
- Increased resilience: Recognizing your spiritual gifts can provide inner strength and support during challenging times.
- Spiritual growth: Developing your spiritual gifts leads to deeper spiritual understanding and connection.
By embracing these 16 spiritual gifts, individuals not only enhance their personal lives but also contribute to the betterment of society as they share their unique abilities with those around them.
How Do I Identify My Spiritual Gifts?
Identifying your spiritual gifts is vital for self-awareness and personal growth. There are 16 main spiritual gifts, including wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, speaking in tongues, interpretation, helps, administration, teaching, exhortation, giving, mercy, and evangelism.
To discover your spiritual gifts, consider the following steps:
- Reflect on your interests, passions, and natural abilities
- Seek feedback from friends, family, or spiritual mentors
- Take a spiritual gifts assessment or personality test
- Pray for guidance and discernment
- Experiment with different roles and serve in various ministries
As you embrace your spiritual gifts, you will develop a deeper connection to your purpose and the divine.
Remember, it’s a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, so remain open to new insights and experiences.
How Do I Grow in My Spiritual Gifts?
To grow in your spiritual gifts, it’s essential to first identify your specific gifts among the 16 spiritual gifts.
These gifts include things like teaching, healing, prophecy, and many others. Once you have a clear understanding of your spiritual gifts, focus on nurturing and developing them through spiritual practices, education, and seeking guidance from mentors or spiritual leaders.
By cultivating an environment that encourages self-awareness and growth, you’ll be better equipped to use your gifts for the greater good and to enhance your spiritual journey.
- Identify your spiritual gifts
- Engage in spiritual practices
- Seek guidance from mentors or spiritual leaders
- Cultivate self-awareness and personal growth
- Use your gifts for the greater good and spiritual growth
Join a spiritual or faith-based community where you can interact with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and learn from one another to further grow your spiritual gifts.
How Can I Use My Spiritual Gifts to Help Others?
Spiritual gifts are unique abilities or talents granted to individuals for the purpose of uplifting and serving others.
To use your spiritual gifts effectively, begin by identifying which of the 16 spiritual gifts resonate with you the most.
These gifts include wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, prophecy, discernment, speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, teaching, encouragement, generosity, leadership, administration, service, mercy, and apostleship.
To use your spiritual gifts to help others:
- Identify your spiritual gifts
- Cultivate and develop your gifts through prayer, study, and practice
- Seek opportunities to serve in your local community, church, or spiritual groups
- Listen to the needs of others and respond with empathy and compassion
- Share your experiences and spiritual insights to inspire and uplift others
Remember, the ultimate goal of spiritual gifts is to serve and support others in their spiritual journey. As you develop your gifts, focus on spreading love, understanding, and unity within your community.
In conclusion, the Bible teaches us about the 16 spiritual gifts that are bestowed upon believers by the Holy Spirit.
Understanding and identifying these gifts can help us grow spiritually and benefit both ourselves and others. By recognizing our spiritual gifts and using them to serve others, we can contribute to the growth and well-being of our communities.
It is important to remember that spiritual gifts are not meant for personal gain, but rather for the greater good.
We should seek to grow in our spiritual gifts and use them humbly and selflessly. By doing so, we can fulfill God’s purpose for our lives and bring glory to His name.
According to a survey conducted by Lifeway Research, 59% of Christians believe in the existence of spiritual gifts, while 41% are unsure or disagree.
What Are the 16 Spiritual Gifts FAQ
What are the spiritual gifts?
The 16 spiritual gifts are wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues, interpretation of tongues, helps, giving, administrations, exhortation, leadership, mercy, and compassion.
How can I use these spiritual gifts?
You can use these spiritual gifts to serve and glorify God through the service of others. You can also use them to become more aware of the presence of God in the world and learn to rely on Him and His message.
What is the purpose of spiritual gifts?
The purpose of spiritual gifts is to equip the church to fulfill its mission of proclaiming the Good News and carrying out the will of God. They are given to each Christian to be a blessing to others, build up the church, and reveal the character of God.
What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit?
Being filled with the Spirit means that the Holy Spirit has taken up residence within you, and is working.
What are the 10 spiritual gifts?
There are a few different interpretations of what the 10 spiritual gifts are, but here is a commonly accepted list:
- Wisdom
- Knowledge
- Faith
- Healing
- Miracles
- Prophecy
- Discernment
- Speaking in tongues
- Interpretation of tongues
- Serving/others-focused ministry
While this list may vary depending on individual beliefs, these gifts are often referenced in various spiritual teachings.
They are said to be given to believers by the Holy Spirit and are intended to be used to uplift and serve others.
What are the 5 spiritual gifts?
Spiritual gifts are abilities, given by the Holy Spirit to believers, which are used to build up the church and glorify God.
The New Testament mentions different types of spiritual gifts, and here are the 5 most commonly recognized:
- Prophecy speaking words inspired by the Holy Spirit to edify, encourage, and comfort others.
- Healing praying for the sick, comforting them and helping them recover.
- Tongues speaking in a language unknown to the speaker, but known to the Holy Spirit.
- Interpretation of tongues understanding and interpreting what someone speaking in tongues is saying.
- Knowledge understanding the deep things of God and having insight into His plans.
These gifts are given according to the grace of God, which is unearned and undeserved. They are not skills that can be developed, but rather spiritual endowments given by the Holy Spirit based on His sovereign will.
What is the greatest spiritual gifts?
The greatest spiritual gift is a subject of much debate among believers. However, one can argue that the most important spiritual gift is love, as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13:13, “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love.
But the greatest of these is love.” Other significant spiritual gifts include:
- Wisdom
- Knowledge
- Faith
- Healing
- Miracles
- Prophecy
- Discernment
- Speaking in tongues
- Interpretation of tongues
These gifts are given by the Holy Spirit to believers for the benefit of the church and the glorification of God.
It is essential to note that spiritual gifts are not for personal gain but for the edification of the body of Christ. We should seek to use our gifts and talents to serve and bless others.
What are the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit in order?
The previous heading on spiritual gifts is closely related to the current heading on the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit. The 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit refer to an enumeration of seven spiritual gifts originating from the Bible.
Below is a list of the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit in order:
- Wisdom refers to the ability to perceive the true nature of things.
- Understanding refers to the ability to see the deeper meaning of things.
- Counsel refers to the ability to discern the right course of action.
- Fortitude refers to the courage to take difficult actions.
- Knowledge refers to an understanding of God’s teachings.
- Piety refers to a love of God and a willingness to serve him.
- Fear of the Lord refers to a deep respect and reverence for God.
It is important to note that these gifts are believed to be given by the Holy Spirit to those who seek them, and that they are gifts that one is responsible to use for the benefit of the community.
What are the 12 spiritual gifts in the Bible?
In the Bible, there are several passages that mention spiritual gifts. One such passage is found in 1 Corinthians 12, which describes 12 spiritual gifts that are given by the Holy Spirit.
These gifts are:
- Word of Wisdom
- Word of Knowledge
- Faith
- Gifts of Healing
- Miracles
- Prophecy
- Distinguishing between spirits
- Tongues
- Interpretation of tongues
- Serving
- Teaching
- Encouragement
These gifts are given to believers to support and build up the church. It’s important to note that no one person possesses all of these gifts, and each believer is given a unique gift to contribute to the body of Christ.
What are the 7 spiritual gifts in Romans 12?
Romans 12:6-8 outlines seven spiritual gifts that believers can have. These are gifts of grace that are given to individuals to bless the body of Christ.
They are:
- Prophecy
- Serving
- Teaching
- Encouraging
- Giving
- Leading
- Showing mercy
These gifts are different from natural abilities or skills, as they are given to individuals by the Holy Spirit.
Each believer is encouraged to use their spiritual gifts to serve and build up the church.
Are the Baptist-defined spiritual gifts different from the standard 16 spiritual gifts?
The spiritual gifts in Baptist tradition may vary slightly in emphasis or categorization compared to the commonly referenced 16 spiritual gifts found in broader Christian literature.
Baptist theology generally aligns with the fundamental Christian doctrine of spiritual gifts but might prioritize or interpret certain gifts through the lens of Baptist beliefs and values.
Key points include:
- Biblical Foundation: Baptists heavily rely on scriptural references for identifying and understanding spiritual gifts.
- Evangelism and Mission: There might be a stronger emphasis on gifts related to evangelism and missionary work, reflecting the Baptist commitment to spreading the Gospel.
- Autonomy of the Local Church: The recognition and operation of spiritual gifts may also reflect the Baptist principle of the local church’s autonomy.
“While Baptists acknowledge a wide range of spiritual gifts, their application and emphasis may uniquely reflect Baptist theology and mission.”
Regardless of denominational nuances, the central belief remains that spiritual gifts are given by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of edifying the church and advancing the Kingdom of God, a principle that transcends denominational boundaries.
What is wisdom 7 gifts?
Wisdom is a virtue that allows us to have a deeper understanding of life and its mysteries. In Christianity, wisdom is one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The seven gifts of wisdom are:
Understanding: The ability to comprehend the meaning of God’s message.
Counsel: The gift of being able to give wise advice to others.
Knowledge: The gift of knowing God’s plan for us.
Fortitude: The strength and courage to do what is right in the face of adversity.
Piety: The ability to worship and love God with deep devotion.
Fear of the Lord: The gift of having a profound respect and reverence for God.
Wisdom: The gift of using knowledge and experience to make sound judgments in life.
Receiving these gifts allows us to live a life that is rooted in God’s love and guided by divine wisdom.
What are the 3 power gifts in the Bible?
The Bible mentions several gifts that the Holy Spirit imparts to believers. Three such gifts are commonly termed as power gifts.
These are:
- The gift of faith is not the same as the faith that every believer possesses. It is a supernatural faith that enables a person to trust God for the miraculous.
- The gift of healing refers to the special ability to be God’s conduit to heal the sick, disabled, or mentally ill.
- The gift of miracles involves supernatural acts that go beyond natural laws. It includes abilities such as raising the dead, stopping storms, and multiplication of food.
People with these gifts are considered powerful agents of good in the world, as they are capable of working miracles and wowing people with their acts of faith.
However, it’s important to remember that these gifts are not meant for personal gain but rather to spread the message of God’s love and mercy.